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Curating Tomorrow’s Growth
Symvan Capital
Investment Funds
Symvan Technology EIS Fund

Ideal for investors seeking enhanced capital growth from more established companies.
Capital growth fund.
Investments across software with a focus on B2B enterprise customers.
Portfolio management service structured as an Alternative Investment Fund.
Target exit in 5-7 years from investment.
Zero upfront fees or charges to investors.
20% performance fee at exit on a portfolio basis.
Funds invested in tranches for investors advised by qualified intermediaries and for unadvised high net worth and sophisticated investors seeking EIS tax reliefs where an investment in the Fund is confirmed as appropriate.
Deployment at the end of each calendar quarter.
Next deployment deadline for applications & cleared funds: September 2024.
Ability to "carry-back" relief to 23/24 on entire subscription.
Symvan Technology SEIS Fund 3

Ideal for investors seeking enhanced capital growth from seed investments in early-stage companies.
Open to new subscriptions for deployment in 2024/25.
Capital growth fund.
Investments across software with a focus on B2B enterprise customers.
Portfolio management service structured as an Alternative Investment Fund.
Target exit in 5-7 years from date of investment.
Zero upfront fees or charges to investors.
20% performance fee at exit on a portfolio basis.
Funds invested in tranches for investors advised by qualified intermediaries and for unadvised high net worth and sophisticated investors seeking SEIS tax reliefs where an investment in the Fund is confirmed as appropriate.
No fixed deployment dates. Deployment timeframe over 12-18 months.
Not suitable for investors seeking to "carry-back" relief to the previous tax year.